Religion is like a box of condoms... It takes all the fun out of sex.

Ha ha, I'm just kiddin'! But that is kinda funny to say!

Okay, I know I'm being a nerd right now, but I need to write this down!

Oprah's on, and she just interviewed a Christian that went to live with a Muslim family. (He was previously quite ignorant of the Muslim belief system, so I think this was supposed to be a learning opportunity for him... Actually, I don't know; I just turned the tv on).

In either case, the Christian is talking about some of the beliefs that the Muslims have, and he slips out how he thinks some of their beliefs are "crazy." He then explains that he does understand the functionality of their beliefs (eg. he talks about how he wasn't allowed to stay alone in the same room with a person of the opposite sex, and he relates this belief to being a functional response/solution to sexual activity among teens).

This Christian's drabble throws open two obvious questions: Firstly, where does this leave his own religion? Doesn't Christianity have similar beliefs that are as equally functional? So should we choose religions based on whether or not the beliefs fit our current needs?

Secondly, can two gays stay in a room alone together? If so, do you know any cute gay muslims that want to be alone in a room with me?


But really, it's that age-old question: Fashion versus Function.

Shut up, Rod.


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