Honk if you...

You know what! It's kinda limiting to use "honking" as a method to show support. I don't have a car, so I can't support those Telus picketers, locked out on Jasper Avenue. I can ring the bell on my bike, I guess.

I woke up this morning to my cat Smak hitting me in the face, saying, "Meeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ow, Rod. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ow." I drove my parent's car to my parent's house for the weekend, as they're still holidaying in San Fran, so I got to spend some time with my old friend Smak. And that sociopath Max.

I drank a bottle of wine in the hot tub, and talked to Margi and Kara (the two coolest girls in the history of this World- my motha notwithstanding). Hey, I just used the notwithstanding clause. I must have bigger balls than Ralph.

Went to the corner store Jele's on my way out of town, and managed to get my weekly gay bashing from some stupid little *!#$face. Ha ha, but I guess I was in a VW Beetle, so I did look a little gayer than normal. Certainly more gay than when I'm on my bike, taking wicked-ass jumps and going faster than ever. You should see how straight I look on that bike. And how hot I am when I'm on it. Holy crap, you would love me on it. I have a sticker on it that says 'carless'. That be me. Honk if you support carlessness.

But I should really digress already.

fROM NOW ON, HEY i'M STUCK IN CAPS LOCKS... That's better. From now on, I'm going to pretend I'm Brian from "Queer as Folk." It's kinda fun. I get to be really hot. Or maybe I'll pretend I'm Karen from "Will and Grace." Ha ha.


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