Everything I own is disposable. I can guarantee that, sooner or later, I will throw everything I own in the garbage. Or in the recycle bin, but honestly, isn't it the same thing?

I'll throw out my food wrappers; my toaster oven; my bed; and my cat. I'll chuck my computer; my shirts; my chairs; and my tent. I'll discard my calculators; my fridges (I don't actually own one, so I'll have to hold off on that!); and my university textbooks. I'll abandon my nail clippings; my empty lip balms; and my broken coffee cups. I'll get rid of my scarfs; my rotten milk; my Xmas lights; and my newspapers.

Well, maybe not everything... I probably won't throw out my diaries, pictures and memories. Those'll all get chucked when I die. But nonetheless, one things for sure: my stuff all is all destined to go to the dump.

Hmm, kinda reminds me of a song my dad used to sing: To the dump, to the dump, to the dump, dump, dump. To the dump, to the dump, to the dump, dump, dump... (goes on for infinity).


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