I see the light!

"Go to the light..."

Actually, I have a problem with seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.), and I've recently started light treatment everyday for about 15 to 30 minutes. It's really helping. If you ever have a problem with coping during these frigid winters, start treatment immediately!

I'm off to Vancouver tomorrow morning. I'm going to see my cousin.

I got attacked by a dog today while I was on my run today...
Here's a picture of me running. Those shoes are my car... I take wicked-ass jumps in them, and they get really good mileage. I actually need a new pair; these ones are almost a year old, and they say to replace them every few months. Well, since "they" is the people who make money off saying stuff like that, I'll just wait till they fall completely apart.

(me jumping over a fence to loot free stuff)


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