I used to always have obsessions with different things in life: from limousines, to tractors; Reba to sirens; rose bushes to army uniforms; or Foucault to hardcore sado-masochist pornography. (Ha ha, just kiddin' bout that last one!)

If I were more of a pscho analyst, I'd probably try and figure out what was going on in that little head 'o mine... Like, when I was obsessed with limousines, maybe I was beginning to realize how diametrically opposed the capitalist mentality is to basic egalitarianisms.

Or, like, when I was obsessed with postmodernism, maybe I was worried that my own trivial discourses were marginalizing the other (um, by "other" I think I mean, like, people that aren't like me), so I tried to learn- and change.

Or, like, when I was obsessed with rose bushes, maybe I symbolically related the thorns to that head thingey they put on Jesus Christ and then killed him. And then he got alive again. And then died. Again. And we're waiting for him to get alive again. I think. I forgot to read my bible.

But none of that's really relevant anymore. I like to learn about all paradigms of thought by actually believing and living them... Christianity (I used to be a christian!(??)); communism (I used to be a communist! (??!?)); rascism (I used to be a rascist(!!?)); sexism... Well, no, actually, I was never really any of those things. I'm lying.

My shoes are black, and I gave myself a pedicure the other day.


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