fat fuck. holy hannah jesus murphy.

I think I'm fat. Well, actually, I know I'm not fat. But why am I always so goddamned concerned about weight. I'm really fucking skinny.

I went to Buddy's with a fun-minded friend of mine a couple of weeks ago. It was really funny, cause we were both like, "Do I look fat?"; "Can you see my love handles when I'm dancing?"; and, "Do these fuck-me boots make me look grandiosé?"

We were able to step outside of our fat fucking heads for a couple of minutes to laugh and realize how fuckin' crazy we were being. Hmm. The funny thing is, my friend is also a colleague at the University, and she's working on a research project examining eating disorders... Not that I think either of us have eating disorders. Cause you should see us whenever someone brings in chocolate. We all ov'r that shit.

Okay, so if 25-year-old-kinda-have-it-together faggots are falling victim to this socio-pathological (is that a word?...) aneorexia trend, what's happening to all those teenage girls we're supposed to be worried about?

Well, I dunno. I'm too busy looking for boyfriends. :-)


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